Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day-3 Pre-Breakthrough Collaborative Sacramento

Today's post is rather late, but do not despair, I am here finally! I purchased my plane ticket to Sacramento leaving on the 11th of June to get there for training on Wednesday. Though we have to pay for our plane tickets, all interns do get a stipend to help cover food, housing, other expenses, etc. I booked my plane ticket with Expedia and was able to get a pretty good deal. I will be leaving home at 8:35 in the morning to arrive in Sacramento around 2:30. This will only be the second flight I've ever taken in my life, so I'm kind of nervous, but I'm positive that it will be okay in the end. It's always hard seeing that much money come out of your bank account, but the experience will be monumental and it is all worth it! Tomorrow, I'm going in for my follow-up appointment for my TB skin test, and then I'll be sending my results to the direction of BSAC! Everything's coming together quite well!
Have fun,


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 2 Pre-Breakthrough Collaborative Sacramento

Today, I had an appointment at my doctor's office to schedule a TB skin test. In order to prepare for this summer internship, I needed to get a Tuberculosis skin test done and send the results into the program director before I arrived in California. For those of you who have never had this done before, it is not painful at all. When I was informed that I had to get this test done, I slightly panicked thinking that it was going to be extremely painful, but once I got into the doctor's office, it was just fine. The nurse injected some liquid right under your skin and holds it there for about 15 seconds before removing it and covering it with a bandage. I'll have to come back within 48-72 hours for the nurse to examine it and then I will send in the results to BSAC. I'm glad it's over with, but still, not painful at all. I was pleasantly surprised!

On the plus side, I got a fun Scooby Doo bandaid! That always makes things so much better! Stay awesome lovelies!
See you soon,


Day 1 Pre-Breakthrough Collaborative Sacramento

Yesterday, I spent almost the entire day creating a collage that will go in the window of the faculty lounge for students to find out more about who they will be working with this summer! I put all kinds of fun stickers and pictures on my collage and I think it turned out quite well. As I was completing this collage, I was also filling out some final paperwork as well. The preparation for BSAC is almost exciting as the teaching part will be. As I am a day late in posting, there will be another post today about further preparations that need to be made before heading off to California! Stay posted!



Sunday, May 18, 2014

Introduction to Breakthrough Sacramento 2014

In the above link, you view a small preview of what my experience will be like in Sacramento for the Breakthrough collaborative! I will be teaching two Literature classes, and will serve as Head of the Literature Department! I will keep a blog/vlog of my experiences before, during, and after BSAC (breakthrough sacramento), and will be posting those vlogs to my YouTube Channel if you're interested. My collage will also be posted on this blog as well, so enjoy! If you are interested in participating in this, or any, breakthrough program, just comment a question, and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. Thanks for checking out my blog!


Brooklyn Bradley